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An In-Home Newborn Session in Bethesda, MD

Updated: May 5

As a professional photographer in Bethesda, Maryland, I recently had the privilege of photographing an in-home newborn session for an 11-day-old. It was a truly special experience, and I am excited to share some of the beautiful images we captured.

We decided to do the photoshoot in their home, which created a comfortable and intimate setting for the family. The nursery was decorated in soft, neutral colors, and the natural light from the windows provided a warm and inviting atmosphere.

The baby was a dream to work with and slept peacefully throughout the session. We were able to capture some truly beautiful and tender moments between the parents and their new baby. I am so grateful to the parents for allowing me to capture these precious moments in their lives. It was a truly special experience, and I am thrilled with the results.

If you are considering an in-home newborn session, I would highly recommend it. It is a wonderful way to capture this fleeting time in your family's life.

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